Intermezzo: My PUG

Guys here is my dog for u to have a look.. enjoy!!
Here is some of the pug well-known habits:
-Pugs are Stubborn
Pugs are usually very stubborn. If they want a treat or a certain toy, they will cry about it until they get it…It’s as simple as that! Some might refer to Pugs as “needy”, but a better description would probably be “childlike”. They want what they want when they want it!
-Pugs are tons of fun
Pugs are lots of fun and they love doing silly things in order to get your attention. Most Pugs don’t even mind parading around in crazy outfits, and that’s probably why some call them ”the clowns of the animal kingdom”.
-Pugs are intelligent
Pugs are a lot more intelligent than they look (Thank God!) and they are fast learners when it comes to things that excite them. For instance, figuring out how to get to the cookies on the table is usually a piece of cake for any Pug. They are also fast learners when it comes to figuring out how to best get your attention. Some say that Pugs are hard to train, and sure, some Pugs might be. However, with a healthy portion of patience from you and lots of yummy treats, Pugs can learn lots of great tricks.
-Pugs Snore
Pugs make lots of weird noises, due to their small nose and flat face. Almost all Pugs snore and while some consider this to be kind of charming, others might find it annoying. To be completely honest, if you have trouble sleeping you might be better off don't buy pugs.
-Pugs both snore and farts
Due to their button-nose, Pugs also tend to snort a lot. But as long as your Pug breathes without any problems, the snorting is normal. Pugs also tend to pass lots of gas. Ever heard of Weapons of Mass Destruction? You will if you decide to get a Pug!
-Your pugs, your shadow
Pugs love to be close to the people they love, so if you like being alone sometimes or have the couch all to yourself – a Pug is definitely not for you! Pugs tend to follow “their people” everywhere and if you are sitting on the couch, your Pug probably doesn’t just want to sit next to you. If he can and if you let him, he will soon be sitting on top of you. While some people love this, others might soon find it rather annoying.
That's it! And I tell you my Pug has exactly the same habits.


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