Another Tips for Free-Fungus Windshield

Maybe some of u already read the Tips for Free-Fungus Windshield in my previous post. if you haven't read it, click on the link or else use the search column at the right-hand side to find it. I stated there that i'm gonna clean my windshield. But actually I just did it yesterday because the time not allow me to do it last time. Yesterday is a holiday for my country because it celebrates occasion which is "Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW". That's not the point, the point is I'm doing some car care for my car. One of them was cleaning the windshield. But i didn't using the fungus-cleaner. This is what i'm gonna share with you. Fungus-cleaner is very harmful for car paint and you should really careful when apply it to your windshield. Some days ago I have information that I forgot where I get from. It stated that we can use toothpaste to substitute the fungus-cleaner. Hey, this make me just grab the toothpaste and no need to buy the fungus-cleaner. Everyone have toothpaste at his home. I'm not post this matter last time because I will not post something that is not proven. Well, the result when I apply the method is it able to substitute fungus-cleaner eventhough fungus-cleaner is more powerful. But I recommend this method as it is cheaper and safer. Why safer, because fungus-cleaner strongly recommended that the substance must not touch your car paint. But the toothpaste, when I apply to windshield, it touch the car paint a little bit. I just aware it when it dry. and when I wipe it using towel. It didn't leave any spot. But however I recommend you to use exactly the same procedure with when you want to aplly it using fungus-cleaner. Ah, others is that because toothpaste doesn't have really strong substance compare to fungus cleaner, it will not easily show the scratch in your windshield. However if your windshield has a lot of scratch, it is wisely not to do fungus cleaner as it will disturb you more compare to when fungus is your problem. Here is the Fungus-cleaner procedure article.
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